As I typed my previous post on my Palm Pre and at the last minute to do so, I was not able to go into very much detail about the Hacker SHMUP. Comments on last week's posts also demanded more narrative, so I am going to attempt to integrate that as well.
You play as a soldier in the very first Cyber War. Not nearly as fancy as anything like TRON, this war instead involves hacking into enemy country mainframes and shutting down major power grids, spreading viruses into the private sector, and so forth. The ultimate goal is to leave the enemy country totally defenseless for Defcon 0.
This is where I alter my post from last week. Instead of shooting bandwidth beams that just make things go boom, bandwidth actually slows your enemies down, forcing them to take routes around the bandwidth to you. Instead of you being able to deflect viruses and whatnot, you always have a specific virus installed that you can pass along to enemies by crashing into them. However, if those enemies grab the corresponding anti-virus software, they become immune. You can change your virus by flying over different ones (each represented by a color) but if you grab an anti-virus software by accident, you can no longer use that virus for the level. You can also stack viruses and the more viruses you have, the more damage you cause.
If you flood an enemy with too much bandwidth, they'll stop dead in their tracks, at which point they can be killed with more bandwidth or can be hacked. Only bigger enemies can be hacked, which is performed by colliding with them and firing bandwidth before your viruses destroy them. When you hack a bigger enemy, you gain a Password Fragment. When you have a full password, at which point a boss appears, and must be hacked for the second level password to shut down the level.
Each country is made up several levels, which of course opens up the possibility for DLC and maybe even cooperative online play. Each computer you can hack is shown in an overworld, with the difficulty to hack each one denoted. When you beat a level, you earn points toward approaching Defcon 0. Private and Commercial Sector computers are easy, Defensive Networks and Mainframes are more difficult. However, you approach Defcon 0 faster by taking down Defensive Networks and Mainframes. After you hit Defcon 0, you can click a red LAUNCH button, ending your operations in that country thanks to its nuclear destruction. If you wish, however, you can play through all the levels to clear the country. You do not have to press LAUNCH until you feel you are ready to do so. When you press LAUNCH, the success of the launch is calculated based on how many levels you beat and how long it took you to beat them. The more levels beat and the faster the time, the higher your grade.
I see this game working with Achievements too, like clearing a country of all levels, or clearing a level in under a minute, etc. There's a lot you could do, but you get the point.